About Us

Casearia Agroalimentare Serra is a dairy and cheese-makers located in Ortacesus, Cagliari. Established by our founder Giuseppe Serra in 1915, we have now been making our traditional Italian artisanal dairy products here for more than 100 years. At the outset, we specialised only in pecorino products and served only the Sardinian area, but it wasn't long before our range broadened and distribution spread throughout the Italian peninsula. In the 1940's, we began processing milk collected directly from local farmers in the local Sardinian countryside to create the range of quality pecorino products we sell today.

The secret of long-lasting quality and excellence is keeping it in the family. At Casafeicio Serra we have passed our passion, knowledge and techniques down from generation to generation for more than 100 years. And we are always moving with the times. As our market share has grown, we have employed new technology to boost production and meet our demand. Now we have a new, modern and highly functional dairy plant - operating in line with the highest standards of quality and distinguishing us from competitors. Thus we are able to guarantee customers the unique flavour and aroma that comes only from milk produced by Sardinian farms.

We believe the key to the excellence of the cheeses we have been making in Cagliari for more than a century, is the high quality raw materials that come from local Sardinian farmers. The milk and the cheeses we make are monitored and checked at every stage of production by qualified personnel in our laboratory. Our methods of processing our various cheeses and in particular our ricotta cheese, is derived from the ancient Sardinian traditions handed down through the generations. The extraordinary quality of local Sardinian milk has allowed us to maintain the prestigious certificates of excellence under which we operate.

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